Obszary działania

Obszary działania

Czym się zajmujemy?

1. Gleichheit aller Schlesier

Unabhängig von Herkunft, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung oder religiösen Überzeugungen sind wir alle gleichberechtigte Menschen.

2. Competence of Silesian experts

We promote and seek the best specialists in many key areas to ensure the rapid development of our region.

3. Entrepreneurship and the region's economy

An economy based on knowledge and innovation, created by the best economists and entrepreneurs in the region.

4. Supporting Silesian movements

We support them mainly through promotion, attracting new members, and integration within the WSC Council.

5. Silesians in the EU

We utilize the mechanisms and opportunities provided by the European Union, with the "Europe of Regions" project at the forefront.

6. Silesians beyond borders

We care about the memory of Silesians scattered in distant countries and strive to maintain their Silesian identity. WSC Ambassadors.

7. Dialogue in Central Europe

We advocate for peaceful dialogue among all countries in Central Europe, believing that it is the only way to ensure peace in our region.

8. Heritage of World War I and II

We analyze the impact of those times on present societies and the perception of Silesia and Silesians by neighbors.

9. Combating anti-Silesian attitudes

The main goal of our organization is to combat hostile attitudes towards Silesia and its inhabitants. WSC Intervention.